It's been a while, since you heard of me, I know, I know. I've been so busy with life, I completely forgot about my virtual one. There was lots of stuff to do for school before the holidays, the 'pre-finals' had to be written, that means two assignments à 5 hours and one à 4 hours in english, art and history. Okay, I see, this is nothing of relevance to you.
I've been spending more time on tumblr, mostly posting pictures, but now and then a random note or a quote or so, too. Tumblr is way easier and quicker than blogger, you don't need to register yourself each time you want to post.
So, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, my favourite among all parties. I never like Christmas so much because at the end of the day it is mostly about presents and the atmosphere could never really get me going. I like giving presents to the ones I love, but I hate that this christmas is the one day I am supposed to. With all the things I was occupied with in december, including being sick, so many visitings at so many doctors, learning, homeworks, preperations, I just couldn't find any time left to buy presents. And I refused to go searching for them on purpose because, to me, that is missing the point. And, in addition to that, I (being an atheist) don't like Christmas as it celebrates the birth of Jesus- which too many people seem to forget over hunting for present (which, btw, according to the newspaper located here, a high amount of people exchange after the big day). This is why for me, there was never reason to 'celebrate' something I didn't even believe in.
I give when I feel like, and I don't belive in god(s).
As for New Year's Eve, oh, I just love fireworks. Thar glittery, sparkling bangbanbang, and the oohs, and the aahs in the cold and the dark, and this senseless energy that fades already in the morning hours and all resolutions postponed to next year or later. The german word for New Year's Eve is Sylvester. Beautiful, eh? Well, yes, I prefer crackers to cradles, I guess.
Speaking about Sylvester and resolutions, to me, it's the same shit like giving presents because it's christmas. What if I notice a bad habit in march? Do I have to wait till the end of the year till I am going to change it? As I said, senseless, but human.
So, this is me not resolving, just daydreaming, as usual:
2009 was awful, all in all.
2010 will be aw, learning for finals, finals- finally, finishing school, maybe going abroad,sewing, drawing, laughing, running, dancing, losing false friends, learning new languages, writing, traveling, wedges, american appaarel, zara, flowers, flats, glasses, hair, underwear, seaside, island, water, sunbathing, reading, sunglasses, one first and last careless summer, eating, cute dresses and short shorts, no more teachers, lipsticks, tight jeans and white shirts, good music, new music, sun rising, and sun setting, perfume, kissing, dresses, upside- down crosses, bags, darkness and lights, movies, singing aloud although I'm not good at that, magazines, or not, architecture, art exhibitions, dots, stripes, black and white, long skirts, taking more photos, less internet, haha, clothes, jewelry, new friends, tights, coats, scarves, the universe, the moon- always, goodbyes, and hellos, popcorn (always and everywhere- almost), beds, toes, tears, tigers, whales, touches, concerts, cold and warm and everything in between, breath in- breath out...
This is an endless list, coincidence will sweep me away, maybe to some of those places above, maybe not. But as you know, detours show us the best places and people.
Feel free to leave your thoughts, what do you think, what's your opinion and so on?
Status quo: I'm currently...
- reading: the other hand by chris cleave
- listening to: new moon soundtrack (don't assume, I like the movie, I don't didn' even like the books except for the first, but the music is quite good)
-wanting: oh, just peace
-feeling: tired, but I can't seem to fall asleep anyway, so what!
Happy new year everyone!!
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